Keep in touch with us!
Parish Information:
Life Teen & Edge!
Life Teen meets on Sunday evenings from 6-8 p.m. during the school year and a few special events are planned for the summer. Meetings are held i(n the new Ministry Center, with dinner included! All youth grades 9-12 are welcome!
- We are switching to Flocknotes for communication for ministry groups! Text "STAUGIE" to 84576, complete registration with a few clicks, and then select the groups that you would like to receive announcements for!
Life Teen events:
Edge (for Grades 6-8) meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month during the school year. First timers welcome!
Edge events:
Save the date:
March 2025
September 2025
Diocese of Toledo Snow Emergency Policy
With the winter season upon us, please keep in mind the policy for Level 3 Snow Emergencies, established in 2014: "Whenever a county/city within the Diocese of Toledo is placed under a Level 3 Snow Emergency, during which all roadways are closed to non-emergency personnel, the Catholic Churches within that geographic region will cancel the scheduled Saturday Vigil, Sunday, or Holy Day Masses. Roman Catholics in that region, therefore, are dispensed from the obligation to attend Mass. If Masses are cancelled, Catholics are encouraged to participate in Holy Mass via television, radio, or internet, making a spiritual Communion. When Mass is cancelled, all other diocesan, parish, or school events in that geographic region are also cancelled."
People should always use prudential judgment when traveling. Stay safe and warm.